Only Sense Online - Volume 09 Read online

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  Young beasts aren't just for combat, they're also useful for other things, is what I thought. In that respect it seemed like we could hold expectations for non-battle activities of Lyly's Neshias.

  "Well then, that's it for unveiling! Shiacchi, go back to normal——【Young Beast Form】!"

  When Lyly activated the Ex-Skill 【Young Beast Form】 flames sprouted from Neshias, his body had grown smaller returning back to original young beast appearance.

  "That's great for you, Lyly."

  "Yup! Kurocchi's Socks also turned adult! I look forward to see how your and Magicchi's young beasts grow, Yuncchi."

  While saying so, Lyly lowered himself to his knees and pat Ryui and Zakuro who nestled up against me.

  After I watched Lyly and the young beasts for a while, a call from Cloude had come through friend chat.

  『"Yun. Lyly is in there, right."』

  "Yeah he is, what happened?"

  『"I wanted to call you over, but Lyly has rushed out first. There was a possibility you weren't in the store y'know. Sorry but recover him and come over."』

  "Got it. Since you're calling me, do you need something?"

  『"Yeah, together with Magi we decided to round up a provisional crafters' tea party. Sorry, but hurry up."』

  "Roger that. We'll head there right away."

  I turned off the friend call after a quick exchange with Cloude and called Lyly and the young beasts who were still playing together.

  "Cloude says you're to come back. I'll be going with you as well."

  "Ah! Right! I forgot about Kurocchi and Magicchi!"

  He must have been really happy about Neshias adult form, seeing him act happy I smiled wryly.

  "Wait a moment, I'll just put away the things from the counter."

  I gathered all the items from on the top of the counter and put them in my inventory, then left the 【Atelier】 together with Lyly.

  "Uhh, outside is so cold."

  "Since it's cold, let's run and get to where Kurocchi and Magicchi are!"

  "You're right. 《Enchant》——Speed!"

  I applied enchant increasing speed on Lyly and myself, then bringing Ryui and other young beasts we ran over to the 【Commonest Café & Clothier】 Cloude and Magi-san were waiting in.

  Chapter 1 - Winter Clothes and Cold Damage


  "I'm back〜."

  Once we ran over together with Lyly to 【Commonest Café & Clothier】 and entered it, I could smell the aroma of coffee and black tea inside and there were male and female players wearing serving clothes who have greeted us.

  "Welcome, and welcome back. I was surprised when you have suddenly dashed out of here, Lyly-kun."

  "I'm sorry."

  "Calian, leave it at that. Cloude-san and others are waiting."

  The female player who came to greet us wearing a classically-coloured maid uniform matching the shop's atmosphere was Calian-san.

  And, the young man wearing a waiter's clothing of a matching shade with hers who also rebuked her was Ratem-san.

  The two were working in the café part of 【Commonest Café & Clothier】, and were somewhat unique players.

  Both of them started OSO to try running a café, and were neither combat-players nor crafters. Other than them, there was also Fior-san, a female player who hopes to become a patissière and worked behind the scenes in the café.

  I'm quite acquainted with Calian-san and Ratem-san from when I occasionally come to the store.

  Their clothes today were different from before, they had long sleeves and skirt, it seemed like they wore those to protect themselves from the cold air.

  "I see your clothes changed today."

  "It's cause we felt cold when we logged in today. And then we quickly went to take out winter uniforms Cloude-san made before. I thought that he's just pointlessly increasing the number of cosplay outfits, but I'm grateful for that just this once."

  While saying so, Calian-san stroked the arm wrapped in a long sleeve and muttered "it's so nice and warm".

  Then, the place Lyly and I were guided to by her was the room we usually held a tea party in.

  When we arrived in it, we saw the tailor Cloude and blacksmith Magi-san, who were crafters just like us.

  Cloude elegantly drank coffee and Magi-san seemed cold as she rubbed her thigh while she drank tea.

  "Sorry to call you out, Yun."

  "Yu-Yun-kun, hello."

  "Hello, heck, Magi-san you're really pale!"

  Magi-san who shivered likely out of cold had the most revealing clothes out of us all, so it was no wonder the cold had gotten to her.

  Even drinking something warm and holding Cloude's tamed mob, Socks the Lucky Cat, she was unable to mitigate the cold.

  Heck, because she was embracing adult Socks, her breasts looked even larger than usual.

  "I guess I should say congratulations on your Socks' Adult Form."

  "Thank you. He turned adult just like Lyly's Neshias, but since he was a support-type tamed mob in the first place, there wasn't much of a change."

  After saying so he interrupted to moisten his throat with tea and spoke to Magi.

  "Now then, it must be harsh to stay in that equipment isn't it, Magi. I prepared new equipment, how about you try it? Also, give Socks back to me."

  "Considering it's your choice of clothes I bet it's some cosplay, so I don't want to."

  Magi-san answered in a feeble voice and hugged Socks strongly as to her emphasize on her refusal.

  "Wait a moment, Magi-san."

  I summoned the synthetic Heat Gel from the 【Heat Gel's Nucleus Stone】 I have made for countering the cold.

  When I passed it to her, Magi-san hugged it strongly against her belly.

  Then for another thing, I took out the 【Element Cream】 that temporarily granted water element resistance and smeared it on Magi-san's arm.

  "Ohh?! It feels like the cold is getting weaker. Thanks, Yun-kun."

  It seemed like it had an effect that Magi-san could immediately feel.

  Smiling broadly she released Socks and thanked me.

  Previously when I have worked on blacksmithing work together with Magi-san and when I went to the volcanic area I received 【Heat Damage】 and now, I recalled at that time I could ease the effect by increasing fire resistance.

  Applying that this time I was able to decrease the amount of 【Cold Damage】 Magi-san receives by increasing her resistance to water element.

  "Magi-san, even if this is a game, a woman shouldn't allow her body to get too cold."

  "Umm, but putting on Cloude's weird clothes is a little..."

  "What 'weird clothes'!"


  I lowered my tone of voice as I called her name. With just that, Magi-san faltered.

  "I mean, cosplaying all alone is embarrassing."

  "Then I'll change together with you. C'mon, let's wear something warmer."

  When I said that gently to Magi-san, Cloude stood up flapping his cloak.

  "Well said! Now, since you two have decided I'll gift you the finest warmth and cuteness!"

  He said and taking out clothes from inventory he protruded them in front of us.

  "G-got it."

  "Kukuku, did you forget who made your armour? The armour bearing the name of CS was made with assumption of a variety of situations and is available in multiple patterns and designs. These are the winter clothes versions!"

  Magi-san and I took the equipment in our hands and checked it up.

  The black innerwear had covered the body up to the neck, a white outerwear coat had extended up to my knees in the back and shortened obliquely towards the front. When looked from the front it looked kind of like a miniskirt.

  Furthermore, on the coat's hood there was a black fluffy part that looked very warm.

  Other than that, there were knee-high socks in order not to expose bare feet to the cold if possible, and for protecting the hands there were wool gloves w
ith an archer thimble. All of this made the winter version of the Ochre Creator.

  Magi-san's equipment was a combination of a leather jumpsuit and a leather jacket made from snake leather. The hard leather emphasizing her chest and the leather gloves made it seem like a rider suit.

  Lyly's clothes didn't have a particularly big change, he wore a woolen hat, gloves, as well as white tights.

  "This is so well-made it makes me feel stupid for acting stubborn, how frustrating."

  "Woah, it's fluffy and waarm."

  "Somehow my equipment looks like it has a skirt. Also, why high-knee socks? Why not just pants?"

  As we said that and immediately checked the armour in our hands Cloude had informed us of one more fact.

  "Ah, and let me say this, this equipment aside from Lyly's is insufficient to protect you against cold."

  "Then why the hell are you passing it to us!"

  "I have made the designs alone quite a while ago, but I don't have enough materials for making equipment protecting from cold."

  "So, why are you making us wear unfinished armour?"

  Magi's question was natural, Lyly and I nodded in agreement.

  Responding, Cloude had indifferently explained it.

  "Actually the reason I called you guys this time is in order to complete these armours made as countermeasures against 【Cold Damage】."

  There, Cloude fell silent for a moment.

  "Normally I would slowly gather the materials to make it, but the update's date was decided already and we need to hurry. That's why I'll have you guys gather materials."

  "Hmm. Well, I understand. So, what are we supposed to gather?"

  "It's written down on this list."

  Once we looked at the note Cloude took out, saw the materials and locations they are collected we all furrowed our eyebrows.

  "These collection areas wonderfully scattered all over. I have some of these items so I'll have Kyouko-san bring them later."

  "Yup. I think I had several types of these at my place so I'll provide them the same way."

  "At my place I have only one item type of these. The leather I just bought to use for reinforcement of armour."

  After we excluded the materials we had in stock from the list, in the end just two materials were missing.

  "Well then, let's split the collection fo those materials between us four."

  The two materials remaining on paper were 【Silky Spider's Thread】 and 【Cloud Fluff】.

  "The place you can gather these are..."

  I recalled the places they could be collected in.

  The first material, 【Silky Spider's Thread】 was a normal drop from the Arachne boss mob that appeared in the Mine Dungeon. To complete Magi-san's armour we needed twelve of them.

  And the 【Cloud Fluff】 was an item that drops from a normal enemy mob that appears in the back of the forest near the Second Town, in order to enter that area it was neccessary to fight a boss guarding the passage at least once.

  In the end, to collect either materials there was no choice but to fight with a boss.

  "I'll go get the 【Silky Spider's Thread】. Since it's a mine, I can mine some ore as I pass by. I also wanted to beat some Archeni and Arachne in order to go to the Volcano Area.

  "By all means I want to see the 【Fire-Rat's Leather Robe】 in the Volcano Area dungeon's lottery stall so just like Magi, I'd like to go get 【Silky Spider's Thread】."

  If Magi-san and Cloude are going to the Mine Dungeon, it means Lyly and I will be going to collect the remaining 【Cloud Fluff】.

  "No objection here. It's a good opportunity to go to a new forest area and I want to see what wood materials are there."

  "No problem here either."

  With this the split for collecting materials has been decided, as a finishing touch Cloude had raised his voice.

  "Well then, put on the winter clothes I gave you."

  "Put on you say, but aren't these unfinished?"

  "The protection against cold is insufficient, but it's still warmer than what you have equipped. If you do your activities in those clothes you'll worry less about the cold than you do now. Also, lend me the armour you're wearing now for a moment."

  Told so, we passed our current armours to Cloude who subjected them to emergency process for improving protection against cold then returned them.

  "Once you're done changing I'll explain the winter clothes' new function."

  Magi-san and I received our winter clothes and went to the locker room in the back of the store to change.

  I tried on my Ochre Creator.

  Since I had exposed arms and legs until now, once I wore the winter clothes, I felt warmth of the innerwear and knee-high socks wrapping tightly around my skin. At the same time I felt attentiveness from how there was a place on the belt of the long coat where I could put in potions securely.

  "Certainly this is great equipment, but the long coat looks like a skirt. It's warm, but I'm really bothered by the knee-high socks."

  I stroked my chest and my arm over the innerwear with my right hand, and with my left I pressed down the mini-skirtish coat so that it doesn't roll up.

  Even if I was wearing hot pants inside the coat, what bothers you, bothers you.

  "That's how the design is. By likening the hem of the coat to a skirt it emphasizes the zettai ryōiki between the skirt and the knee-high socks."

  "I have no need for such concept!"

  Following my voice of protest Magi-san had also come out from the dressing room once she finished changing her clothes. As expected, it looked like a rider suit. Although it was unfinished and lacking in details and decorations, the suit had fit very tightly and emphasized her chest making me unable to focus my gaze.

  "You're cute, Yun-kun."

  "Uuu, rather than cute I want to be called cool."

  While averting my gaze from Magi-san, I sighed lightly.

  Lyly had changed clothes ahead of time and seemed to have been waiting for as he had sweets with tea.

  "Now, I'll explain the new function. With that said, there isn't much to say. It's just 【Equipment Consolidation】."

  "【Equipment Consolidation】?"

  When hearing the unfamiliar term I tilted my head in puzzlement, Cloude explained.

  "The 【Equipment Consolidation】 is a setting where two or more equipments can share the same additional effects. Well, it could be said it's a function allowing you to change just your appearance and retain the same reinforcement material effects."

  Because of its nature, the unique equipment and drop equipment cannot be used with 【Equipment Consolidation】 and it was limited to player-made items.

  That function was mainly a short-cut allowing switching of equipments and the benefit from it was that you didn't need to prepare same additional effects for multiple pieces of equipment.

  But of course, there was also a disadvantage. It seemed like it was more difficult to repair and recover the armours durability.

  "From other differences, the performance changes to that of a base armour's. Although the winter clothes originally had the same amount of defence, since part of performance was allocated to protection against cold, the defence had dropped down to about 90%. Any other crafter would made it drop down to about 70% in the process."

  "Plain boasting, huh. Heck, is 【Equipment Consolidation】 ever being used?"

  "Hardly. Even if it's used it would be only by players who are acting as net idols, dancing and singing so that they can change clothes in a blink of an eye. Also by people who want to act as superheroes and transform, purge armour."

  I imagined magical girls, heroes of justice on a motorbike and a golden knight purging his armour until nothing's left.

  "But as long as we have summer and winter clothes, there's no need of 【Equipment Consolidation】, right?"

  "True. In the warm areas I'll use just the clothes I've been using until now and in the cold ones I can just change them."

  When M
agi-san and Lyly said so, Cloude's smile turned deeper.

  "Personally I would prefer if you wore various clothes."

  "You say 'various clothes', do you have that many ideas?"

  "I have an infinite number of ideas. But let's leave that for the another opportunity."

  Personally, I'd rather if I didn't hear it, ever.

  Since today we were unable to head straight out to collect items because of lack of time, and so I made an appointment with Lyly to do it at later date.

  Lyly alone had his winter clothes completed, Magi-san and I have had Cloude remove 【Equipment Consolidation】 from winter clothes and returned them to Cloude.

  Once we gather the materials and winter clothes are complete, we planned to receive them again properly.

  Also, once we were leaving Cloude told me to gather as many tailoring materials as possible since there might be some other players who'd require treatment against cold.


  At a later date, Lyly and I met up in front of the Second Town's portal.

  We both prepared ourselves for materials collection and aimed for the area in which 【Fluff Cloud】 mob emerged in order to collect its drop, 【Cloud Fluff】 we were asked for by Cloude.

  "Lyly, is your equipment all right?"

  "Yup, perfect. How about you, Yuncchi? You aren't wearing winter clothes."

  "The cold damage hasn't been implemented yet so there shouldn't be any problem. Just, I guess I'm a little worried about how will combat go. What about our cooperation?"

  "Hmm. It might be difficult for us to suddenly cooperate well with each other, so I guess we should do our best not to get in each others way, how about it?"

  "Understood then."

  I made sure the grip on my weapon, 【Black Maiden's Longbow】 is good and made final adjustments to my knives at my belt.

  To confirm the grip on his weapon in the winter equipment's woolen gloves, Lyly held the pair of his knives in reverse grip and did some practice swings.

  "As for enemies on the way, we'll mainly ignore them and head straight to where the boss is. After that, we'll register with that area's portal and go gather the materials."

  "Understood. Also Yuncchi, can I propose something?"